The future of the planet depends on the outcome of the US 2024 elections. The American people have the power to save the world. If we vote in record numbers and elect new leaders that stand for peace and healing, then our global power and influence can end war, destruction and exploitation.
But we must act in 2024. After four more years of the same, it will truly be too late.
2024 is the year that the American public, the workers of this great nation must wake up, rise up and vote for a completely new slate of leaders who will end the business of death that has brought us to the brink of irreversible global catastrophe.
The men who currently wield power and control will never change. There is no such thing as a moral, ethical billionaire or weapons manufacturer. If they had a conscience and a functional moral compass, they would be neither of those things.
We've known about end-stage ecocide and climate change since at least the 1970's. Yet in that time, the ruling elite have only increased their policies of destruction and exploitation. Since 2020, they have allocated more resources for weapons and war each year. They have approved more drilling and mining for oil, gas, coal, uranium and other metals used in industry and war. They have started new wars. Destroyed more virgin forests. Cut down more 2000 year old trees.
No amount of lobbying will make them choose fairness and healing over money and power.
They need to be replaced. Voted out of office.
The American people must overwhelmingly choose elected officials who will change government so that it prioritizes the health of people and planet. Each and every war-mongerer, planet-destroyer, bully and bigot needs to lose their bid for re-election in 2024.
By accomplishing this, we make our own lives better- safer, cleaner, fairer and fulfilling.