15 Apr

21 young Americans filed a landmark constitutional climate change lawsuit against the U.S. government in 2015.


YOUTH v GOV is the story of the Juliana v. The United States of America constitutional lawsuit and the 21 American youth, ages 14 to 25, who are taking on the world’s most powerful government. Since 2015, the legal non-profit Our Children’s Trust has been representing these youth in their landmark case against the U.S. government for violating their constitutional rights to life, liberty, personal safety, and property through their willful actions in creating the climate crisis they will inherit.

As leaders in the youth climate movement, the twenty-one plaintiffs of Juliana v. The United States of America represent the diversity of American youth impacted by the climate crisis. They hail from 10 states: Florida, Alaska, Hawaii, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Louisiana, and New York. These film characters encompass cultural, economic and geographic diversity and many come from marginalized communities, serving as beacons of hope for those who do not have a platform to share their own stories. They are African-American, Indigenous, white, bi-racial, and LGBTQ, and their diversity speaks not only to the impacts of climate change, but to the inclusion required if we are to build a better and more just future together. These young people are activists, students, artists, musicians, and farmers, and their stories are universal.

The film describes how the US government and industry were aware of the risks of global warming from burning fossil fuels as far back as the 1950's. They chose to hide the data and findings and deny the problem even when confronted with evidence.

The United States federal government has been a co-conspirator in the coverup and denial by promoting, subsidizing and expanding fossil fuel production regardless whether a Democrat or Republican was in the White House. The film features excerpts from speeches by every president since Nixon, in which each one pays lip service to achieving a sustainable planet for future generations but in practice continues to expand drilling and mining.

These young people first filed their suit in 2015 during the Obama presidency and it has still not gone to trial. Since then, acting by order of the White House, the Department of Justice, backed by industry has done everything it could to delay and dismiss their case. It's shocking and shameful that our government of the People, for the People, by the People denies and has harassed these young people for daring to question authority; an authority that is destabilizing planetary systems which will lead to catastrophic degradation of the planet's ability to sustain life.

Scientific climate change study which dates back to 1955:

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