03 Jun

Since the Republican and Democratic parties control the process of campaigning, access to ballots, and much about actual voting and tabulation, why can't we ignore their primaries and elect our slate of candidates by write-in on November 5? 

It sounds cheaper. No horse race. No battle with the corporate candidates. 

Just get people's attention. Inspire them with a vision of society that values community, social capital, and fairness. A strong safety net and the dignity of the individual. A society that values children and Nature, capital N. An economy built upon fairness and decency.

Make sure everyone has access to some kind of voter ballot. Hold huge rallies nation-wide prior to the election to energize and build unity among the People. The People is all of us. All the workers, the 99% who don't run the world. 

Create a directory of People's candidates from across the nation- in every congressional district, Senate seat and state office. This is our slate. This is the campaign. We represent a new party that works on behalf of people. In which the People decide policy and laws. Convince the 99% why We, the People, should elect every on of these candidates on November 5th. 

Help them to realize the truth about our society, our world. Real change that helps people will only come when the People install our own into every seat in government. And if we succeed, then we have the power to tear it all down. Change everything. Rebuild it to work for people. For the 99%. If that's what we choose.

Why bother voting? What good can my vote do? Nothing ever changes. It's government that's broken. 

Yes, there's a lot wrong with the way our government operates. It's been wrong for fifty years and has gotten worse in the last twenty-five. That's because the politicians- mostly macho womanizing white men- that have controlled government and continue to do now, choose to allow it to be broken. They make no effort to fix it. To make government operate with justice, fairness and integrity. 

The two political parties that control our government have made a deliberate choice to let the government behave abusively towards the workers of the nation. Almost every interaction we have with our government is gnarly, stressful and often abusive. Taxes, licensing, fees. Half the time it's about some punishment for some policy we failed to comply with.

But we can change all of that if we install our people into every seat of power. One new congressman may not make a difference, but if we Occupy every seat, we can build a new nation.

A society, economy and culture based on the values of Life, Liberty, Fairness and the Pursuit of Happiness and Love. For every person in this country. 

Our nation's laws are written to guard these inalienable rights. They form the foundational principles of our constitution. The whole of our American civilization is guided by these principles. Based on what is truly best for people. All the people.

Who wouldn't want to live in a cleaner world where your life is better. Where you're not stressed out all the time and anxious about the future. Where you actually feel contented, at peace, happy. Safe in a community of neighbors, family and friends that you trust. That have your back and you have theirs. And your kids like going to school. Where they gain self-esteem and self-confidence and skills. I want that life in that world.

With the same old corporate government that we've had for 100 years, it will never happen. Our lives will be the same as they are now, gradually getting slightly worse all the time. New normal is always worse. With more taken away. They've shown us their vision. It's time now to impose, to realize our vision.

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