Please consider these ideas: The establishment powers, including the DNC and RNC will never truly help working people or the planet. We need a new party- a coalition of labor, social justice, environmental justice and left political groups to take over state houses, Congress and the presidency in November.
Abstract: The 1% control both the Democratic and Republican parties (DNC and RNC) and will never permit fundamental, foundational, radical change that favors working people and the planet. They have knowingly driven our country and the world to the brink of disaster by their policies of endless wars and exploitation of people and the Earth’s resources.
We have reached a social, political, economic and environmental tipping point which can no longer been ignored. We can no longer afford more business as usual. No more kicking the can down the road. The only solution that can avert impending irreversible global disaster is to remove them from power; to form a new worker’s party and take over the U.S. government.
(Peacefully. Honestly. In a patriotic celebration of democracy, freedom and the lofty ideals upon which this nation was supposedly founded.)
Pull together a coalition of labor, social justice, environmental justice and left political groups and elect working people into State offices, Congress and the White House. November 5, 2024 is our once-every-four-years window in which to exercise our full voting power. After that, we're back to begging for fairness- a failed strategy.
Working within the system they created has brought us incremental progress at best, or perhaps only delayed the progressive slide into absolute rule by the central oligarchy. Even now, many of those hard won victories such as reproductive rights, voting rights, labor and environmental protections are being rescinded.
Change will not happen at the Democratic convention despite Biden stepping down. The DNC represents the 1%. Already, we have witnessed how the DNC campaigns against incumbent Democrats who challenge the corporate agenda. The solution is to create a new political party, a working people’s party. Recruit candidates for every open seat and campaign as a unified slate nation-wide to take control of government.
Once in power, we can rewrite the rules by which our government functions so that the balance of power tilts in favor of working people- towards fairness, justice and sustainability. We can change the mission of government towards improving the lives of the American people, not expanding the corporate empire.
The 1% have declared war on the American people. They've been laying the groundwork for decades… outsourcing jobs with "free trade" agreements, union busting, deregulating banks, defunding public education, privatizing health care, permitting monopolization of industries, removing environmental protections, dismantling regulatory agencies, allowing big money to undermine elections, encouraging inflation, amassing $35 billion in government debt, creating pandemic panic with a lock down that decimated small independent businesses, foreclosing on people's homes and small family farms, controlling the major media outlets, increasing surveillance, tracking, and data mining of average people, censoring information and suppressing public assembly and protest.
Two major offensives occurred in 2010 and 2020. The first was the Citizen United Supreme Court ruling that deregulated elections and allowed the super-rich to flood elections with unlimited amounts of money, essentially buying government positions. The other was the pandemic lockdown which resulted in a massive transfer of wealth and power from workers to the ruling elite and disrupted the Democratic presidential primaries.
Their unprecedented pandemic mandates, with the forced lockdown and mandatory vaccine registration, was a test of their power, and our willingness to obey. The ease with which they radially changed our society, stopping it completely and then engineering a “new normal” which favored their agenda, foretold that the time was right to move aggressively to win complete dominance over the 99%. Their mandates were intended to destroyed social capital/ the power of community connections so we would be sufficiently weakened- divided, disconnected, apathetic, and complacent that we'd likely do as we're told without serious opposition.
The lockdown also served to stop a growing popular movement among workers that, in November 2020, may have swept a new government into office, one more closely aligned with worker interests. Trump's win in 2016 despite losing the popular vote, and his controversial and outrageous presidency, awakened millions of people across the nation. People were energized, angry and unified. Fed up with our corporate-dominated government. And ready for big change. Demanding change. This people’s movement threatened the status quo, which is domination by the ruling elite. The Women’s March, Black Lives Matter, the Sunrise Movement.
Recognizing growing dissent, unification and protest among workers, women, young Americans and people of color... those in power sought to disrupt the election by locking us down. Separated. Isolated. Socially distanced, even outdoors. They banned public assembly. No campaign rallies. No community gatherings. No door-to-door canvassing. That left mainly costly television advertising which of course favors the rich who now are free to pour $millions, billions into elections.
Amidst the pandemic panic, their corporate media convinced us that familiar, stay the course incumbents like Biden would best save us from pandemic-induced collapse of civilization. In 2020, their strategy worked.
Since then, the DNC and RNC have confined us in a political box, a course of action that has limited our electoral choices to candidates acceptable to the 1%. The Biden-Trump rematch makes no sense unless it’s meant to preclude the possibility of a worker-friendly candidate winning the White House. No matter what happens in the Biden drama, and who they choose to replace him, rest assured it will be a back-room deal approved by the rich and powerful. We will not be offered a pro-worker, anti-monopoly, anti-war, economic reformer who crusades for social justice. At best it will be more of the same- corporate with a friendly face.
Since the lockdown, with the worker movement in disarray, they've been rushing to change the rules of government, elections and the economy in order to consolidate and perpetuate their dominance... to eliminate our future ability to influence government policy now and in the future.
They corrupt and degrade public education and the media/information sources in order to erase our population’s knowledge about systemic injustice and previous successful worker movements. They target our children, manipulating school curriculums, banning books and bullying anyone who is different. They know that an uneducated population is easier to control. They disregard popular opinion, brutally crush protest and marginalize, silence dissenting points of view.
They're brainwashing us, immersing us in their Matrix, their artificial construct of society, for which they designed the rules and which they control- a society that designates money above all else to be the absolute measure of all worth, They aim to control us completely so they are “free” to do whatever they want with impunity. That’s what they mean when they boast of “freedom” in their lofty speeches; not the freedom of working people to exercise self-determination and autonomy over our lives, but the freedom to exploit who and what they want for profit and power without any consequences for harm they may do.
Voting is the people’s greatest power and they know it. That’s why they spend $billions to corrupt elections.
The combined wealth of America’s billionaire class is estimated to be $5.529 trillion, an increase of 88% since 2020 ( If we measure power by dollars, then the 1% is invincible. Yet, if united, our overwhelming numbers make us far more powerful. Dollars are a merely a number on a spreadsheet. Working people are a physical and electoral force to be reckoned with. We are more than 300 million. They are just a few million, maybe ten million at most. Elections are one person-one vote. On Election Day, each of us holds the same power as any billionaire. They know this… and they fear that workers will one day wake up to that fact.
Election Day ought to be our nation’s most important holiday, a Celebration of Democracy. It’s the one day of the year that working people are allowed direct influence over the principles, policies and function of our government. The presidential election year is the full moon of election cycles, when our potential power waxes immensely. The power to choose both the Congress and the “commander in chief”. Since it comes only every four years, it’s crucial that we don’t squander the opportunity to elect leaders who will truly represent the interests of the 99%.
The President has become the king of The United States who holds the power to change policy and law on a whim, and unilaterally commit outrageous deeds- Democrat and Republican alike. The main difference between a Democrat or Republican in the White House is the facade, the veneer, the face and personality... smile or sneer. Most of the decisions take place in the bowels of the government, secret associations and back room deals where industry decides policy...all of that continues pretty much the same no matter which of the two parties the president belongs to. The rich get richer and corporate domination advances. It's win-win for the 1%.
We the People can hold the power of the White House beginning January 2025 if we work together. It can be done. And we don't need to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to do it. We definitely have the votes.
That's why they work so hard to stop us from voting... because we could generate a tidal wave of votes on November 5 that would crush them and sweep them aside... if we are united, working together to elect fellow workers into government. What we have in common as workers far outweighs all the other differences combined... especially when we compare ourselves to the 1% at the top... the elite who live in a completely different physical and social world from us. We are all employees in their genetically-modified, hostile take-over economy-society they've built around us... that tags us, tracks us, mandates us... our lives measured by school, job and fortune.
The idea that difference is bad came from the 1%. It's part of their strategy to impose mastery over us. They want us to be the same, uniform, interchangeable. Constantly judged by how well we conform, comply, obey... our worth and self-worth reflected by our scores... by how well we succeed in repressing, inhibiting, hiding our real selves in order to be the person we are told to be. They dislike non-conformers. They view these people as disobedient and challenging of their authority.
Those who seek to dominate decree that human diversity is unnatural, undesirable, sinful, evil... that such people deserve to be marginalized, persecuted, and hated. They provoke workers to turn against workers in a witch hunt driven by misinformation and bigotry. It's another form of divide and conquer aimed at weakening the 99% and perpetuating their control.
But we can change all that if working people unite, organize, take action, and stop expecting, stop trusting that our corporate-friendly government will ever keep their promises to change policy and law to benefit regular people.
For decades, both Democrats and Republicans have promised to improve the lives of working people if elected. Both Biden and Trump, and a long line of presidents, congressmen and governors before them. In truth, our quality of life has progressively worsened while corporations and the rich live like gods. They’ve given us a world filled with endless war, misery, violence, destruction and death; razor wire, walls and prisons; with massive wealth inequality, an increasingly unhealthy population and crumbling infrastructure.
In 2024, time is running out and we can no longer afford to trust either party. We need a new party whose platform and statement of principles represents priorities and initiatives that will foster a healthier society for working people.
Combine the resources and energies from multiple worker-advocate political groups to create a new worker’s party. Run a nation-wide slate of candidates and take control of the American government at every level. We need collaboration, cooperation, and unity among the multiple political forces on the left that are working to change the mission of government to value people and the planet.
We can't let them fool us with their lies about how left-leaning politics and socialist principles are the same as authoritarian communism intent on subverting our society, stripping us of our freedoms, and removing every principle and value we hold dear. Those are the lies that the super-rich overlords tell us to frighten and confuse workers so we don't support candidates who would champion common people against them.
Create a worker's party to challenge Republicans and Corporate Democrats. Assemble a slate of candidates for every Congressional seat and state office. Win the presidency. Assemble the greatest coalition of people-centered political organizations ever seen in the United States, including:
Our Revolution, Working Families Party, Poor People's Campaign, the AFL-CIO,, Justice Democrats, Grassroots Democrats, Progressive Democrats, Common Cause, NAACP, National Urban League, Rainbow Push Coalition, National Youth Rights, the Sunrise Movement, the Green Party, the Socialist Party, the Women's March, Emily's List, National Organization of Women, Reproductive Freedom For All (formerly NARAL), religious organizations promoting social justice, Human Rights Campaign Fund, GLAAD, LGBTQ Task Force, Advance Native Political Leadership, National Congress of American Indians, Native American Rights Fund, UNIDOS US, Asian Americans Advancing Justice Affiliation, Win Without War, Code Pink, Climate Justice Alliance, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Greenpeace, Sierra Club, NRDC, Earthjustice, Jewish Voices for Peace, and more.
We have to do something NOW, take some initiative. The Biden-Trump political slugfest, and DNC efforts to unseat allies of working people- such as incumbent Democrat Jamaal Bowman, by spending $20 million and employing DNC royalty Hillary Clinton to campaign against him- clearly shows that the two parties have disregard, even contempt for the American people. Both parties locked down their presidential primaries to block viable opposition to their corporate imperial agenda.
Recent history demonstrates that, under their control, the rich get richer and the quality of life for working people progressively deteriorates. Trusting that these political parties will do the right thing for working people is an exercise in futility, a delusion, a fool's paradise. Our only hope for a fair and just world is to replace them all with candidates who represent regular Americans- people who rely on health insurance, public education and social security benefits.
Now is the time. November 5 is our one-day window in which to exercise the people's power. After that, we're back to begging for fairness, and we see how futile, how ineffective that's been- falling on deaf ears of politicians who listen only to corporate lobbyists spending hundreds of millions of dollars to earn their favor.
2024 might be our last opportunity to exert our electoral power. Trump has already promised that we won’t “need” to vote in 2028. He’ll take care of it. And the DNC has demonstrated its intent to deprive us of real choice as well.
We need to stop spending our time talking about all their criminal, immoral and unethical actions, and begin the conversation about how to stop them. How to take control of government and completely change its structure and its mission. Remake government so it functions first and foremost to promote the health, safety, and well-being of working people and our once beautiful landscape.
Traditional strategies have obviously not been successful, else we wouldn't be at this dangerous tipping point in history. Working within the current system, we will lose, because the game is rigged in their favor. Therefore, we must think outside the box. We must try something radically different. Working within the system they created has brought us incremental progress at best, or perhaps only delayed the progressive slide into absolute rule by the central oligarchy. Yet even now, many of those hard won victories such as reproductive rights, voting rights and environmental protections are being rescinded. What’s next?
A new political party.
The only strategy that would bring about the comprehensive and seismic change we desperately need is to form a new political party of the People, by the People, for the People. It’s clear that the two establishment parties have no interest in forwarding the interests of workers. The corporate powers that control the Democratic Party shut out candidates who champion fairness and justice for working Americans. The Republican Party is filled with tyrants and bullies. Prior to elections, both parties make promises that they never keep. We have little reason to trust them. Fool me once…
The first step is to call for a congress of worker- aligned political organizations to draft a new Declaration of Independence- a declaration of shared principles and values, a party platform. Define the party structure and rules, including specifics such as the use of rank choice voting and other strategies to ensure elections and decision-making are more grassroots, more democratic and reflective of the will of the People.
Disseminate information effectively, creating a dynamic website and social media campaign that speaks to working people, includes diverse voices and gathers consensus, soliciting feedback from average people. Announce the new political party, identifying candidates for every major office nation-wide. Once we assemble a nation-wide slate of candidates, we can easily get more than enough signatures to place them on ballots in every district and state. Do write-in campaigns if we must. Organize huge campaign events, rallies in every city, covering every region- recruiting artists, performers, and candidates- to create a buzz, to rally working people, energize, uplift and inspire.
Call for a nation-wide strike on November 5, a working people’s holiday that celebrates democracy and energizes the 99% to vote. Establish Democracy Day on which it’s every American’s patriotic duty to vote.
Our goal is to achieve a landslide victory that gives us an indisputable mandate to remake government and rewrite policies and laws to promote healthy communities and the people who live in them.
Our presidential candidate will sweep into the White House a with a new Congress comprised of energetic, altruistic people who are passionate about serving the public good... and who truly represent their constituency. We The People will install a whole new kind of Congress, one focused on doing the work of the people rather than the typical bullying and brawls. Once we're in control, we can rewrite the rules by which our government functions so that the balance of power tilts in our favor.
The actions of our new government will improve all of our lives, as well as the health of the planet. We'll design some kind of fair trade, B Corporation economy in which every business-type transaction is fair, to all parties involved. Public banking that doesn’t cheat and exploit. A national health service providing free care that prioritizes prevention, happiness and well-being. Huge investment and expansion of free public education from preschool through college and trade school. Free public internet and cellphone service which have become essential for participation in our economy.
A massive nation-wide project to restore, rebuild and modernize every city, town and community, our energy grid, our fresh water resources, and our food production system. Building millions of new affordable housing units in revitalized cities and towns. Federal job corps that employs young adults and trains them to contribute to revitalizing and healing the nation. A federal homesteader program that awards small family and cooperative farms to millions of people after we break-up Big Agriculture monopolies.
Legislation that protects the rights of workers to organize unions, and guarantees a living wage so that families can once again afford to live on a single salary. Legislation that promotes millions of new mom and pop businesses. Legislation that guarantees the right to clean water and healthy clean food. Legislation that guarantees the rights of all humans to dignity and respect, autonomy and self-determination, fair and equitable treatment treatment. Legislation that restores, protects and preserves wilderness, wildlife and the ecosystems that sustain life and enhance our lives.
Our new American society will be based on the principle of radical and absolute respect for every person. That's all it needs to say. No need to list all the ways people are different. Everyone... all humans. Our communities will feel safer for everyone, because we include, embrace and celebrate all people, every variation of us. Diversity brings balance and strength to the 99%, which we need to preserve our independence. We are all stronger, safer, and better off, when community invites, welcomes and includes everyone... no matter the variation in size, shape, color, appearance, gender, romantic leanings, disposition, ability, psychology, talents, passions, joys, and loves. In a society where people are treated fairly, and feel validated, included and respected, we will witness a blossoming of culture, spirituality, and community. The building of social capital. Such a world leads to people feeling safe and whole... to a society infused with trust, joy, and peace. A society worth striving for- for ourselves and future generations.