08 May

America's future generations are being auctioned off to the highest bidder.  The outcome of the 2024 November election will determine whether Gen Z inherits a planet that is healthy, livable and sustainable or one that is depleted, polluted and inhospitable. 

Whether their society is one that values human dignity, the human spirit, peace, love and healing or one that is built upon massive inequality, aggression, violence, exploitation, money, power and profits.

In 2024 the American public has the opportunity to change course; to change the character of this nation; it's mission and priorities; what we value; what we hold dear; who gets included. 

In 2024, we have a real chance to take away control of policy and law from the two corporate political parties that have dominated government for the past century... really since this American nation was established in the 1780's by a guild of wealthy land owners and merchants, the titans of industry, the corporate millionaires, the 1% of their day.  They designed a form/structure of government that would firmly establish their control over state functions, over the economy and the process by which government officials are chosen... in order to guarantee/perpetuate their dominance and protect their profits. 

They handed down a nation gained by war, founded and built upon war, slavery and the business of death. War runs in this nation's blood. Endless wars. Always war. It's an addiction, poisoning our nation, our people, our land; hollowing out our country's spirit; replacing it with something ugly, rotting, and diseased.

Whereas war and its terrible violence is America's basic instinct, slavery is the evil in our nation's DNA. It's the hideous nightmare of unbelievable cruelty sanctioned by laws of the state. Slavery, the monstrous extreme of private property rights, pervades every act, deed, and legislation of US government. Laws and policies created by the wealthy rulers and enforced by poor whites who needed  jobs to feed their families. Immoral, unethical and cruel, but completely legal because our wealthy forefathers enshrined it into the Constitution and subsequent law.  Laws intentionally written by men in government who wanted to protect their private property, their industries and wealth.

The wealthy 1% who founded the American colonies and nation wrote laws protecting their human property, whether white indentured servants or African slaves. Men among them authored the language that set forth the policies and punishments pertaining to buying, selling and owning other human beings. Those wealthy men granted themselves and their wealthy peers supreme authority over African people, giving them license and impunity to buy and sell, to disregard family bonds, to humiliate, exploit, mutilate, murder and rape.

Their laws legalized, legitimized, sanctioned and encouraged  killing native people and stealing their land. Their laws permitted wealthy industrialists to abuse/exploit factory/mill/textile workers, coal miners, dock workers, steel workers, railroad workers, farmers and farm laborers, and slaughter house workers. Their laws made it illegal for workers to organize, protest and strike for fair treatment. They declared it legal to beat, teargas and shoot working people protesting to be treated fairly... to be treated like human beings. Workers proclaiming that they are not disposable... that they too matter... that their lives have value... that they deserve dignity.

That is the nation the major political parties created, and it's been very successful... if your idea of success is to sustain and perpetuate the power of the super-rich, the 1% and their corporations, their empires, their enormous wealth, and their domination over working people. 


We must elect non-corporate, independent candidates to every seat in Congress and the White House. Every seat in the House of Representatives is up for grabs as are 34 out of 100 Senate seats. We can literally change the face of government. Once we have control (of government), we can change EVERYTHING... even the structure of government and the electoral system. We can write a new DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENTS...  a new Constitution. We can change the rules for government, the economy, elections, representation, and redefine basic human rights.

To accomplish all this, We the People of the United States must VOTE IN RECORD NUMBERS for  those candidates who represent us- independent people who display honesty, integrity...who display a strong sense of justice, fairness and compassion. Elect new government leaders who will work for the welfare of people and the planet, not for corporations, financial markets and the super-wealthy. 

It doesn't have to cost billions of dollars. We'll never win the fund-raising contest against the super-rich for whom a million dollars is chump change. But we the People are the grassroots. Let's use our grassroots networks to educate each other about what's at stake and introduce the independent candidates who will honestly and truly legislate on behalf of working people. Then on November 5, we get EVERYONE out to vote.  

There are roughly 258 million voting age people in the United States. We need to rally 250 million of us to vote on November 5. We need an overwhelming mandate, a landslide, because the 1% won't give up power easily. They'll look for any reason to deny the election results if it doesn't favor them. But it will be difficult for them to contest the outcome of a landslide without revealing their true authoritarian, dictatorial natures.

In past elections, people frequently said, "What's the point? My vote doesn't make a difference. Nothing ever changes." That's kind of true when the established political parties deny us a true choice... when they manipulate election primaries so their corporate-friendly candidates win... leaving us the choice between bad and worse. 

But in 2024, there are scores of independent-minded newcomers running for seats in Congress all across the country. These independent candidates are ones who have declared their allegiance to working people, not to corporations and the rich. They don't accept or receive money from corporations, and if elected, will work collaboratively with other Independents to change policy and law to favor the majority, the 99%. They champion issues such as universal health care, a livable wage, a fair banking system, public education, clean air, food and water, and  investment in civil rather than military infrastructure.

If the two parties exclude them from the ballots in November, we'll stage the largest write-in campaigns that our nation has ever seen. We can't allow the corporate parties to suppress, control and dominate us any longer.


"And it isn't for the few to tell the many what is true." -Hadestown

On Election Day, everyone is equal because EVERYONE gets one vote.  

Actual voting is the only place where we have power equal to the super-rich titans that control the economy and society. Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Joe Biden and Donald Trump each get only one vote, the same as you and me. At most, there are a few million of them, the 1%. Maybe another 4-5% who are their minions. But there are hundreds of millions of us: Workers, students, average people. If we vote en mass together, united, we can restore power to the People, where it belongs. 



Planetary systems are in chaos and nearing complete collapse. Industrial pollution has infected nearly every single place on the globe. Since 2020, the world's population has risen from 7.8 to 8 billion people, despite the hysteria and dire warnings about a flu virus that would kill us all off. That's eight billion people who all need food and shelter. Eight billion people is a lot of food, and fuel for cooking and staying warm. Eight billion people pooping every day. Which is just a fraction of the amount of waste excreted each day by the billions of livestock raised to feed and fatten us. 

Eight billion people has a huge environmental impact. Especially when the emperors and kings (corporations) of this world are rapacious, insatiable in their greed to exploit and plunder what little is left of the Earth's finite resources. 


BASIC HUMAN DIGNITY and CIVIL SOCIETY are being purposefully undermined by the rich and powerful, those men who hide in the shadows, directing actions and events via their lackeys, their henchmen in government. They're the shadow government that holds the real power. The secret handshakes and the back room deals. Contributions and bribes. Men such as Abbott and DeSantis are the public faces of their oppression... the cruel overseers. 

These shadow men own the mega-corporations that control resources, the economy, the financial system, the military industrial complex, employment, jobs, and government authority. They seek to diminish our power to unite, organize and resist their domination... by destroying our social capital- our human connections, our communities, our knowledge and insight (education) about the world... and most diabolically, ruining our mental and physical health. They've declared war against the American people, the 99%.


War, drought, famine, floods, violence, refugees, exploitation, slavery. Drilling, mining, cutting, bulldozing, burning, shooting and poisoning Nature. Climate chaos, misery, suffering, hunger, domestic terrorism, random violence, threatening, bullying, hate in their hearts and their words. Poverty, homelessness, extreme wealth inequality. Erosion of civil liberties, individual freedom, equal protection and basic human rights. Pandemic obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, trauma and addiction. Anxiety, depression, panic attacks, irritability, anger, paranoia, violence and abuse... widespread unhappiness. We might eventually succeed in stopping harm but the scars will never completely disappear.


According to the United Nations: "Nearly half of the world’s population currently lives in poverty, defined as income of less than US $2 per day, including one billion children. Of those living in poverty, over 800 million people live in extreme poverty, surviving on less than US $1.25 a day. They lack access to proper nutrition, clean drinking water, and adequate health services". 

President Trump withdrew US from global climate talks. He didn't ask my opinion. Biden reinstated us. Democrats CARE ABOUT NATURE. He attended Scotland and pledged to stop deforestation in 2030.

... to stop cutting down what little remains of the Earth's magnificent forests, each thousands of years old. The lungs of the planet that buffer and balance global energy systems. That shade the Earth to cool and retain water on and beneath the surface. That support incredibly complex ecosystems which have fostered untold diversity of wondrous living creatures and life forms. 

Prairies, wetlands and deserts. Mountains and valleys. Streams, ponds, rivers, lakes and oceans. Soil, seeds and microbes that grow food. The wind. The ocean breeze. The air that we breathe. That we smell. That we touch and taste. Awareness, consciousness, intelligence, abstract thought. Spirit. Being. Communion. Love.

Pledging to stop cutting ancient forests in 2030... promising to phase out new oil and gas drilling/pipelines sometime in the near future... it's just lip service meant to appease the masses, the rabble. It's disingenuous, insincere, scheming, deceitful, and unscrupulous. It's political strategy. Pretending they don't know it will be too late by then. Biden might be dead by 2030 so what does he care? I don't necessarily wish him harm, but for people in their 70's and 80's, it's just a fact. Shouldn't those with a stake in the future be making these big decisions? 

Truth is, by 2030, there will be practically nothing left, not in the great northern boreal forests, the Amazon, Southeast Asia, or in Africa. All gone. Magnificent and ancient ecosystems, many thousands years old, home to unimaginable biodiversity, cut down by the super-rich titans of industry who buy, sell, and exploit, who treat Nature as their slave, like their livestock to the slaughter. To get even richer. And build more weapons to guard their riches.


This is the world that the two political parties have purposely built... deliberately, intentionally, knowingly. Not by accident. This is the society they designed where we are workers and consumers, docile and obedient. While they live like gods. Without rules or accountability. And our children are born into this captivity. Like animals at the zoo. We must not permit this to go on any longer.

--------------------------------------- Chapter Two ------------------------------------------------------


By 2028, WE THE PEOPLE may no longer have the right to vote. The masters who control government desire great power and have no intention of sharing or relinquishing it. They will do whatever it takes to prevent the People from taking control. 

Already, they implement multiple strategies to suppress voting. They disqualify voters. Make it harder to register to vote. Make it harder to cast your vote. They gerrymander districts to dilute the power of your vote. They control primaries and decide who is allowed to run. In 2010, their Supreme Court legalized spending unlimited billions of dollars to buy elections. Regular people can't afford to run.

They control primaries and decide who is allowed to run.

In early 2020, recognizing growing dissent, unification and protest among workers, women, students and people of color... those in power locked us down. They placed us in solitary confinement. Separated. Isolated. Anxious and Depressed. Panicked. Confused. Fearful. Masked. Socially distanced. They banned all public assembly. That meant no campaign rallies. No community gatherings. No door-to-door canvassing. That left mainly television advertising which costs millions and favors the corporation-backed candidates who have deep pockets. 

They locked us down at the start of the most important presidential election cycle in decades. Trump's win in 2016 and his controversial, outrageous presidency had wakened millions of people across the nation. They were energized, angry and unified. Fed up with our corporate-dominated government. And ready for big change. Demanding change. They threatened the status quo. SO THEY LOCKED US DOWN. 

They would do that and more to make sure they win the election and hold on to power.

Because they didn't like the outcome in Iowa, the first contest of the primary season, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) sowed doubt, suggesting scandal to discredit the Democratic presidential caucuses held on February 3, 2020. Pete won 14 delegates, Bernie 12, Warren 8 and Biden only 6. The DNC disliked the outcome in New Hampshire on February 11, 2020 even more. Bernie and Pete each won 9 delegates, Klobuchar 6 and Biden zero. Biden, their chosen candidate was not doing well.

From Wikipedia: "The 2020 Iowa Democratic caucuses were controversial due to the delays in reporting the results. These delays, caused in part by problems with a mobile application created by Shadow Inc. that was used to report voting totals, led to the resignation of Iowa Democratic Party chair Troy Price. Further controversy resulted from errors and inconsistencies regarding the calculation and reporting of State Delegate Equivalents (SDEs) in several caucus locations. Following a three-day delay in vote reporting, the Iowa Democratic Partydeclared that Buttigieg had won two more delegates than Sanders

The DNC is not the government. It's a private corporation that decides the Democratic primary election schedule and controls the Democratic Convention where the official party candidate is selected. In 2016, their chosen candidate was Hillary and they did everything they could to prevent Bernie from winning the nomination. In 2020, their pandemic lock down derailed the campaigns and the momentum of candidates like Pete, Bernie, Klobuchar and Warren. Way before 2024, the DNC decided that Biden was their candidate, so they blocked challengers from getting on the Democratic ballot and they chose not to hold debates. 

They went even further. In response to what happened in 2020 in Iowa and New Hampshire, and perhaps to punish those states for their lack of obedience, they changed the traditional schedule of primaries in order to favor their candidate, Biden. 

From VOAnews.com: "Traditionally, Iowa has held the first caucus of the election season and New Hampshire the first primary. While the Republican Party will continue to start their nominating contests in these states, the Democratic Party has sought to make South Carolina the first Democratic contest, arguing that the state is more representative of the party's demographics. As a result, the Democratic National Committee has scrapped the Iowa caucus (instead holding a primary in the state in March) and urged candidates not to put their name on the New Hampshire ballot."

By restricting who can run, the DNC's action restricts the People's right to choose their next president. They also work to engineer outcomes of Congressional primary contests, backing and financing party-insider corporate-friendly candidates in order to prevent progressive challengers, who are also Democrats, from reaching the November election.  


I single out the mainstream Democratic Party because they falsely present themselves as the party that cares more about people and the planet than corporations and profit. They brand themselves as the party that will deliver inclusion, justice, fairness and sustainability if we vote for them. But we must not allow ourselves to be placated, to be fooled into thinking they will make our best interests their priority if we elect them. They are the kindly slave master who promises to free us but never actually does because it doesn't profit him.

On the other hand, the Republican Party is a lost cause. They barely even pretend to care about people or the planet; certainly not justice and fairness. They are the party of exclusion, division, paranoia, anger, repression and greed. They are bullies. They incite violence. They're beyond hope for redemption. The best they do is give vague statements that have no real meaning, like promising to make America great again... being patriotic... supporting our troops... upholding family values. In truth, they excel at instilling anger, hate and fear among workers, especially those suffering from lack of opportunity, dilapidated infrastructure and poverty. Workers who they never help even when they have the power to do so.

Like the Corporate Democrats, the Republican priorities are to promote the interests of corporations and the super-rich over that of average people. 

When it comes to voting, Republicans have long been committed to extreme voter suppression. They are the experts and have written the book on strategies to prevent people from voting, and from having their vote count. In November 2020, unhappy with the outcome, they sought to discredit the institution of democratic elections by spreading the idea that the election was rigged and there was massive voter fraud. That, of course, led to the mob attack on the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021. In 2024, Republicans have escalated their efforts to disqualify people likely to vote for a Democrat.

If we lose the right to cast a meaningful vote, then the corporations and their wealthy owners will be unopposed as they wage more wars, destroy more of the planet, oppress and exploit more of the general population. They will become our kings and rulers and we their laborers, concubines and soldiers. Maybe an exaggeration, maybe not. I never imagined that reproductive rights would be taken away... that our leaders would instigate another major war in Europe and mobilize our nuclear weapons force... that they'd support, even underwrite the relentless bombing of two million Palestinians trapped in a walled ghetto, an open-air prison as they run for their lives... or that our democratically elected government would order the American people be confined to their homes, ban social gatherings, and mandate the closing of schools, universities, public commercial spaces, even houses of worship. But yet, here we are.


In 2024, we stand at a crossroads, a tipping point, a cliff. Our collective actions will determine what kind of world, what kind of society, of civilization, we will have now and will pass on to the next generation. Whether blue collar or white collar... white, black or brown... European, Latin, Asian, African, Middle Eastern... urban, suburban or rural... coastal or interior... from North, South, Central, East or West... we are the working class of the nation... of the United States of America. We are the People... the 99%. We are the majority and numbers equal power on Election Day. 


Since the establishment of the original thirteen colonies, the rich have made the rules and shaped government, its policies and laws to favor themselves... to protect their interests, their power, private property and profits against the majority... us, the workers. The New Deal, forged during the Great Depression- a time of great worker suffering and unrest- shifted the balance slightly in favor of workers. But since the 1960's, the super-rich, the corporations, the ruling elite have eroded every gain that was made... and tightened the leash around our necks to dominate and oppress us... to cripple our ability to challenge their absolute authority. 

The lives of working people have been diminished and prospects for our children are even worse. But we still have the power to change that if we recognize that what we have in common is much greater than our differences... and only united together will we succeed in standing up to the powerful masters who have made all the rules that keep us in servitude.






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The super-rich businessmen of their time create a new nation in their image.

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